Accent color

Accent color is color for some important elements, such as links, buttons, icons. Currently accent color is #3CA2A2. This theme has some more predefined colors available in theme.scss:


 // Several accent colors, choose one or create your own!
 $accent-color: #3CA2A2;    // original =)
 //$accent-color: #C38FD6;  // velvet
 //$accent-color: #8FD6B3;  // greenish
 //$accent-color: #35B4DE;  // bluish
 //$accent-color: #D2E354;  // yellowish
 // $accent-color: #52B54B;  // green

You can use one of them (just hover over the label to see accent color in action) or define your own!

#C38FD6, #8FD6B3, #35B4DE, #D2E354, #52B54B.

Other colors

As Jekyll comes with support of SASS I put colors in variables. Here are the ones which could be easily changed:


$font-color: #dddddd;
$background-color: #292929;
$post-panel-color: #444;
$footer-background-color: #292c2f;
$note-color: #87CEFA;
$warning-color: #ffff00;